My latest abstract - "Platelets in Blueness" - it's to recognise Queen's 90th birthday and her blue blood.
Chatsworth, Derbyshire
Another Travel Poster from the Peak District. Chatsworth House 11.5 miles from our home in Ringinglow Village. Not had the Duke's permission to produce this, so it's not for commercial use!
Cordoba - the Mosque
In June we were guided around Seville, Cordoba and Granada by Riviera Travel. This is my abiding memory of the Mosque of Cordoba and how it would look as a Travel Poster!
Chicago from Lake Michigan
Yet another Travel Poster - this one is Chicago from Lake Michigan. That's the Willis (old Sears) Tower peeping out above the "mist" ! We were there in 2004.
Derbyshire Travel Poster - Curbar Edge
A fine gritstone edge above the Derwent Valley!
LONDON St Martin-in-the-Fields
One more London Travel Poster. This drawing is of St Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square adjacent to the National Gallery. I'm off soon to help set up our Exhibition at Gallery 35, Chapel Walk in Sheffield City Centre open 11th- 16th August!
Another Travel Poster
LONDON (Westminster Abbey)
Another Travel Poster
Another Travel Poster, this is Higger Tor about 3 miles from home.
Travel Posters continued
This time in square format.
Vintage Posters in my style
It was suggested to me to look at ideas for Posters in a vintage style but with the help of more modern techniques (ie. via my computer). Without starting from square one, I used one of my (many) scanned images and with a few adjustments my first effort ended up with the attached. Can you spot the little twist?
Spanish Idea-02
Cordoba Arches - another idea I'm thinking of developing into a full size painting